• A shelter would reinforce the Governor’s Stay At Home Order, slow community transmission of COVID-19, and help bring an end to the pandemic more quickly
  • Shelter construction and operation would be entirely funded by Orange County during the pandemic, resulting in significant cost savings to the City.  After the pandemic, the City will own the shelter and pay for operations until it is ready to develop the site for permanent affordable housing
  • The City of Huntington Beach cannot enforce our anti-camping laws without a shelter
  • A shelter would improve quality of life for those homeless people who truly want assistance
  • A shelter will allow our city to clear encampments, returning our parks and streets to their intended purpose
  • Those who refuse an offered, available shelter bed can be removed from camping in public places
  • City’s such as Anaheim have found little impact to communities near shelters, where the benefit of enforcement of anti-camping laws far outweighs any shelter impact
  • The City has carefully considered 36 different potential sites and their impacts to the surrounding community.  After much vetting, the City has identified a final location on 17631 Cameron Lane as a future permanent supportive housing site and possible site for a temporary Navigation Center.